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Accessing the Supplier Portal    Updating Your Information    Purchase Orders    Invoices, Credits, and Payments    Tax Information
Accessing the Supplier Portal
How do I log in to the Supplier Portal?
If you do not yet have a user ID for the Supplier Portal you can request access by clicking the ‘Request a User ID’ button at the top right of this page. You will need to provide your 10-digit Ascension supplier ID number and the associated Tax ID number to create a new user ID.
How do I find my Ascension supplier ID number?
Your 10-digit supplier ID number is included on all POs that you receive from Ascension. If you are not able to refer to a previous PO to find your supplier number, you can call our Supplier Line at 317-334-8363. You’ll need to provide your company’s Tax ID Number for our APPS team to look up your supplier ID number.
When I request a user ID it says my Tax ID Number is invalid, what do I do?
Be sure to enter the Tax ID number without the dash (-) and enter all 10 digits of your supplier ID number, including leading zeros. If you are still receiving an error message this means the Tax ID Number you entered does not match what we have on file. Please find out from your company if there are any other Tax ID or supplier ID numbers that may have previously been used, and refer to the question below for help with updating your Tax ID Number if needed.
What do I do if I forgot my user ID to log in to the Supplier Portal?
Click the ‘Sign In’ button at the top right of this page and click the ‘Forgot User ID?’ link to retrieve your user ID.
What do I do if I forgot my password for the Supplier Portal?
Click the ‘Sign In’ button at the top right of this page and click the ‘Forgot Password?’ link to reset your password.
I am having trouble logging in to the Supplier Portal, what do I do?
Please be aware that both your user ID and password forthe Supplier Portal are case sensitive. If you encounter an error when trying to log in, we recommend clearing your browser cache and browsing history, closing all browser tabs and browser windows, opening a new browser session, and trying again. If you are able to try in a different browser, please do so. If you are still having trouble, please call our Supplier Line at 317-334-8363.
Updating Your Information
How do I update my company’s name or DBA?
To update your company’s name or DBA you will need to submit a change request in the Supplier Portal and attach an up-to-date copy of your W9 to the request. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide Updating Your Company Name or DBA for step-by-step instructions.
How do I update my company’s Tax ID Number?
To update your company’s Tax ID number, send an email to and include your 10-digit Ascension supplier ID number and your previous Tax ID number. Attach a copy of your updated W9 with the new Tax ID number along with any other supporting documentation.
How do I update my company’s remit address?
To update your company’s remit address you will need to submit a change request in the Supplier Portal. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide Updating Your Company Address for step-by-step instructions. When submitting your address update, please also review the other addresses on file to let us know if they are still accurate.
How do I enroll for ACH direct deposit or update my direct deposit information?
To update your payment method to ACH direct deposit or to update your ACH direct deposit bank account you will need to submit a change request in the Supplier Portal. For the request you must download and complete our ACH form and then attach it to your request. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide Enrolling for ACH Direct Deposit for step-by-step instructions.
How do I make changes to my banking information for GHX payments?
To update your bank account for GHX payments or to be removed from the GHX payment method, please contact GHX directly by emailing or calling 1-888-392-5401, option 1.
How do I update my company’s pay terms?
To update your pay terms you will need to submit a change request in the Supplier Portal and attach a copy of your up-to-date contract reflecting the pay terms. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide Updating Your Pay Terms for step-by-step instructions.
How do I set up a new Ascension account/create a new supplier ID for a different division of my company?
Please click here to contact The Resource Group using the Supplier Inquiry Form.
Purchase Orders
How do I get a copy of a PO?
You can view and download PDF copies of POs in the Supplier Portal. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide Viewing Purchase Orders for step-by-step instructions.
What do I do if I receive a PO with incorrect information or the incorrect supplier name?
Call the Ascension Supplier Line at 317-334-8363. Our Purchasing team will update and confirm the PO; you can then ship the order with required corrections.
Where do I send order acknowledgements and backorder notifications for POs?
Send to
What is the preferred shipping method for Ascension Purchase Orders? How should shipping charges be billed to Ascension?
If prepay and add shipping charges apply (based on your contract), use the following instructions. (Otherwise, ship via your preferred method.)
  • Small packages: FedEx and bill third party, FOB Destination using the FedEx account number shown on the purchase order, or call (855) 826-8200 ext. 2 to obtain the FedEx account number.
    • Non-expedited order: FedEx Ground.
    • Expedited order: FedEx Express using service level required to meet delivery date. Enter the 15-digit PO number in the Recipient Address Line 2 Field or the Attention Field.
  • Combined weight exceeding 150 pounds or other large packages: call 844-875-7444 or email to schedule pick-up and delivery.
What is an Amount Only PO?
Amount Only POs are used solely for invoicing the services listed on the PO and are intended to be set up with enough funds to cover the full services provided within the service dates listed on the PO. Requesters may add additional funds to Amount Only Purchase Orders at a later date in order to cover future services. If you have any questions about an Amount Only PO or have concerns about the available funds on the Amount Only PO, please reach out to the Ascension Point of Contact listed on the PO.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the services or items on a PO?
For Amount Only POs, please reach out to the Ascension Point of Contact listed on the PO.
For Bill Only POs, please email
For all other POs, please call our Supplier Line at 317-334-8363.
Invoices, Credits, and Payments
How do I submit invoices to Ascension?
For best results, we recommend that suppliers consider enrolling for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with our partner GHX. To learn more about enrolling, please visit If you are already using GHX Exchange, send us a Boarding Request for pertinent accounts.

If EDI is not an option for your company, please submit all invoices via email to Please note that all invoices must reference a valid 15-digit Ascension PO number for payment processing.
How do I enroll for credit card payments?
Ascension offers an electronic payment option to all suppliers through GHX ePayables and the Wells Fargo virtual card program. If you are interested in enrolling in one of these payment methods, please open an Accounts Payable self-service case and select the category AP - ePayable. Step-by-step directions to submit a self-service case can be found HERE.
How do I obtain a PO number for my invoice?
To ensure payment, you’ll need a valid 15-digit PO number. To get one, contact the individual or department at the local health facility where products were delivered or services rendered.
What do I do if the PO for my invoice is closed?
If you see that a PO related to an open invoice is in a Closed or Complete status via the Supplier Portal, please submit a self-service case for our Accounts Payable team. Step-by-step instructions to submit a case can be found here. Accounts Payable will research the reason for the PO closure and will request to re-open it if possible. Please note that depending on the reason for the closure, you may need to contact the individual or department who requested the products or services to obtain a new PO number.
How do I check the status of an invoice?
To check the status of one or more invoices, please contact Ascension Accounts Payable at 317-334-8363 or submit a self-service case through the portal. Step-by-step instructions to submit a case can be found HERE.
What is a Match Exception?
It’s a discrepancy between an invoice and its PO. We work to avoid payment delays by resolving Match Exceptions in as timely a manner as possible.
Why doesn’t Ascension notify me concerning all invoice exceptions?
Unfortunately, we are not able to notify suppliers of all invoice exceptions. If we need information or action to keep your invoice moving forward, we’ll contact you.
How do I apply a discount or credit to an Ascension account?
Send credit memos via email attachment to for any discounts and credits (e.g. overpayments, product returns, discounted items, duplicate payments). Credit memos should be clearly identified as such, and should reference the original PO number and invoice number so funds can be applied appropriately. Please do not apply credits to open invoice balances or add discount lines to invoice totals.
How do I send a refund to Ascension?

When issuing a refund check to Ascension, be sure to reference the original invoice number and payment number as well as the reason for the refund in the accompanying documentation. Mail refund checks to:
Ascension - Payments
PO Box 677884
Dallas, TX 75267-7884

Please note that this PO box is only for refund checks and is not to be used for any other correspondence.

How do I report a credit hold for Ascension?
Suppliers should never place Ascension accounts on a credit hold. While these situations are strongly discouraged, please contact us immediately should an account be suspended. Please submit a self-service case and select the Category ‘AP - AP Credit Hold Notification.’ Be sure to include the relevant invoice numbers including amounts, dates, and PO numbers. Step-by-step instructions to submit a case can be found HERE.
Tax Information
How do I get copies of sales tax exemption certificates for Ascension?
You can visit our online library of sales tax exemption certificates to download documents for all of Ascension’s health ministries. If you can’t find the document you need, submit a self-service case for our Accounts Payable team. Step-by-step instructions to submit a case can be found HERE.
How do I get a copy of my 1099?
If you did not receive a copy of your 1099 or you need to request corrections to the copy you received, please submit a self-service case for our Accounts Payable team. Step-by-step instructions to submit a case can be found HERE.