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Most questions can be addressed by consulting the FAQs and Quick Reference Guides under the Supplier Resources menu. If you still need help, please contact us through the appropriate channel below:

  • For invoice and payment questions, please open an Accounts Payable self-service case. Step-by-step directions can be found HERE.
  • To become a new supplier or for questions about contracts, please use the Supplier Inquiry Tool.
  • To request changes to your Ascension supplier profile (remit address, name change, ACH direct deposit, etc.), please submit a change request through the portal by clicking HERE. Step-by-step instructions can be found under Quick Reference Guides.
  • To learn more about how you can enroll in ecommerce (i.e. GHX, EDI, or Wells Fargo credit card, please open a self-service case and select the category AP - ePayable. Step-by-step instructions can be found HERE
  • For bill-only PO corrections, email a copy of the PO with corrections noted to Attach the patient case sheet and other relevant supporting documentation.
  • To obtain a valid 15-digit PO number for your invoice, contact the individual or department at the local health facility where products were delivered or services rendered. Please do not call the Ascension Supplier line for this inquiry.

Please call the Ascension Supplier Line at 317-334-8363 for all other inquiries. Please be sure to provide your 10-digit Supplier ID, relevant PO, invoice, and payment numbers in all communications.